The Hampshire Shepherd
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Answers to you Lamb Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the answers to our most commonly asked questions. If you do not find the answer to what you are looking for, then reach out to us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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General Questions

Our main holding is in Crandall, but we graze our sheep all over the local area.

Unfortunately we do not. We do not own any of our own land. All of our grazing is rented.

No we are not organic. Because we do not own our own land, and in fact much of our land is short term it just isn’t possible for us to become organic.

We most certainly do. We currently supply lamb to both restaurants and butchers.

We certainly do. You are welcome to order whole or half lambs in any state of butchery you require.

Without getting too complicated, and depending on where you purchase, we reckon that one of our lambs travels approximately 20 - 30 miles.

Our Lamb

Yes! All of our lamb is sold fresh, so freezing is no problem. In fact all of our lamb comes with frozen dates.

Lamb is anything under 12 months old. Hogget is anything between 12 months and 36 months. Mutton is anything over 36 months.

All of our Mutton is simply our old ewes that have reached the end of their working life. This is why we don’t have a continuous supply.

The Sheep

Yes! All of our sheep are grass fed. Our ewes are fed a little concentrate at lambing time just to keep them happy and healthy.

We would definitely hope so. They are living their best life.

Yes they certainly are

We are currently running around 200 ewes, but this is steadily increasing.

We do not regularly use antibiotics. Only when absolutely necessary when it’s the right course of action for animal welfare.

Absolutely! We have a close working relationship with our vet. Animal welfare is our number one priority.

We have various breeds of sheep, but they are all commercial types. Although we do like a good Lleyn x Texel. Our eldest son Joshua also keeps pedigree Blue Texels, and our youngest son William keeps Mules.

The Lamb Van

The Lamb Van will be at various events and shows throughout the year. Check out our calendar to find out where and when.

It most certainly is. Simply get in touch to discuss your needs.

I’m afraid not! We only sell our own home bred grass fed Lamb.

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